

Colegii noștri de la Medline au participat la workshop-ul Pine Lines  Artificial Intelligence, unde au învățat să utilizeze mai eficient aplicațiile Chat GPT și Tengr.AI!  A fost o experiență captivantă și educativă pentru ei, iar acum sunt pregătiți să exploreze noi oportunități în domeniul gestionării facilităților! 

(Textul a fost generat de ChatGPT.)


Kollégáink részt vettek a Pine Lines Mesterséges Intelligencia nevezetű workshopján, ahol többek között a Chat CPT és a Teng.AI hatékony használatát mutatta be. Fontosnak tartjuk, hogy a Medline lépést tartson az újításokkal, ahelyett pedig, hogy elvetnénk a mesterséges intelligenciára épülő alkalmazásokat, sokkal inkább elsajátítati kívánjuk őket, annak érdekében, hogy jobbá tegyük a szolgáltatásainkat, ugyanakkor megkönnyítsük a saját munkánkat is.


Our colleagues from Medline recently attended the Pine Lines Artificial Intelligence workshop, where they gained the knowledge and skills required to use the Chat GPT and Tengr.AI applications more effectively. The workshop proved to be an exciting and invaluable experience for them, providing them with a competitive edge in the facilities management industry. With their newfound expertise, they are now fully equipped to explore new opportunities and achieve even greater success in their careers.